Well February was busy!
We had a birthday party for one of my little guys, Eli. He turned 7! Man, time flies!
I had a ton of signs to make to get out in time for Valentine's Day from the shop!
I also have some new signs that I'll be listing in the shop soon! Here's a little sneaky peak of one of them...
I also signed up as an affiliate for Mountain Rose Herbs. I have been dabbling a bit in essential oils for our family's health and finding something that was fairly inexpensive, organic, and not cheaply made was something hard to find. I stumbled upon Mountain Rose Herbs and I'm excited! They're not only essential oils, though. They're herbs, spices, teas and supplies for soap and lotions! A one stop shop for me! Woo hoo! If you are interested in supporting our family business stop by Mountain Rose Herbs through my affiliate link on the right hand side bar. Please and thank you!

Just a few simple ways we use oils...
A drop or two of tea tree oil in each washer load as a natural disinfectant. A few drops of lavender oil in the vinegar for a fabric softener. A drop of peppermint oil rubbed onto the temples to help ease a headache. Lemongrass is great rubbed with a carrier oil like olive oil for aches and pains. There is so much more that I can't go into today, but I just wanted to share with you the main ways we use them.
I have quite a few recipes to share. Some more are Pinterest wins, too! I'll try to be back in the next few days to share one with you!