February 6, 2011

To Live Without

The youth group at our church is participating in the 30 Hour Famine to send funds to Bible college students at FATEAC; an Alliance College on the Ivory Coast.  They have seen food prices triple in recent weeks due to civil strife and political unrest. That would be like paying $23.99 for a can of coffee, $9.99 for a loaf of bread, and $14.99 for a gallon of milk. They are having a difficult time getting supplies.  Most of us in America are so blessed to be able eat wonderful, wholesome foods, drink clean water, and enjoy other luxuries we feel we "need", and to be able to access those items whenever we wish.

Our family has decided to only purchase the bare necessities this week like toilet paper, diapers, some fresh fruit, etc. What is left of our weekly grocery budget of $150 will go to our youth groups collection. Our goal is $100. Will you join with our family and live on what you can to get by with this week so that you can give to an organization that helps those less fortunate?

Better yet, would you consider sending funds to help the FATEAC students and faculty?  Contact the Christian and Missionary Alliance website (HERE) to send a donation.

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