Resurrection Rolls
8 large marshmallows
1/4 cup melted butter
sugar/cinnamon mixture (approx. 2 T each)
1 10 ounce can of crescent rolls
1. Open can of crescent rolls and separate into triangles.
The rolls represent the linen cloth used in covering the dead.
2. Dip and roll one marshmallow (representing the body) into melted butter.
The butter represents the oils used in anointing the dead body.
3. In a small bowl, mix the cinnamon and sugar together. Roll the marshmallow in the mixture.
The mixture represents the spices used in burials.
4. Place the marshmallow in the center of the crescent triangle and carefully fold the dough around the marshmallow. (Pinch the edges tightly to seal in the marshmallow as it melts.) Put each crescent-wrapped marshmallow on a slightly greased cookie sheet or in a greased cupcake pan.
5. Bake the rolls in a 350 degree preheated oven for about 10-15 minutes or until they are golden brown.
The oven represents the tomb.
Let them cool. When the kids bite into them, they will see that the inside is empty!
Just like the tomb was empty that wonderful morning!!
For more information on this wonderful Easter miracle read more HERE.
He is risen indeed!!! :) We make these for Easter also!
I wanted to let you know that the co-op coming to the Fort is called Azure Standard, and if you set up an account on their website (easy and free and no commitment) you can view their prices and contact them about the drop. Right now they have 20 pounds of organic apples for $21.00... amazing! Anyway, I wanted to make sure I got back to you... Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday! :)
How neat, and such a good tool to share Christ with your children! Can't wait to make these with my daughter when she is old enough! Would love for you to link them to my first EVER linky party @stringtownhome.blogspot.com
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