June 1, 2012

Brown Sugar Muffins and a Gooseberry Patch Giveaway!

The lovely folks at Gooseberry Patch are at it again!  They've gone and invited me to host another giveaway!  Big hug and thanks to them!  This go-round it's The Harvest Table that is being given away!  Over 200 pages of yummy harvest time recipes and tips!

First, a recipe!  For my first recipe to review I chose a muffin recipe.  We're all about muffins around here lately since one of our kiddos is perfecting this apple muffin recipe to show for 4-H judging in July. 

Brown Sugar Muffins

1 c. quick-cooking oats, uncooked
1/2 c. milk
3/4 c. brown sugar, packed
1/4 c. butter, melted and slightly cooled
1 egg, beaten
1 c. all-purpose flour
1/2 c. chopped walnuts (we left those out)
2 t. baking powder

Mix oats, milk and brown sugar in a large bowl; let stand for 5 minutes.  Add butter and egg; blend well.  Stir in remaining ingredients just until moistened.  Fill greased muffin cups 2/3 full.  Bake at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Makes one dozen.

Notes:  I think these muffins were pretty good, but needed a little something.  Next time I'll add a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg.  And I'll use cupcake liners.  I greased the muffin tins like I always do and they still stuck.  I think it was all the brown sugar in them that caramelized and caused them to stick.  Because this is what I got...

However, on this blog, what counts most is that my 8 perpetually hungry kiddos loved them.

 Mission accomplished!

Baby doesn't quite count in that vote, yet so you only see 7 thumbs up! *wink*

~  ~  ~

On to the giveaway!

   The Harvest Table: Welcome Autumn with Our Bountiful Collection of Scrumptious Seasonal Recipes, Helpful Tips and Heartwarming Memories
(click above link to order)


*  *  *
Please be sure you leave something that distinguishes you from other
comments like "Carmen from northern Indiana". 

*   *   *

Entry 1
Since this cookbook is about Harvest time, 
leave a comment (in the comments at the end of the post) with your favorite Fall activity.
(I love Fall, Harvest, Autumn...whatever you want to call it!  I love it!  I think my favorite isn't really an activity more like a setting:   It's a little drizzly outside and the wind is lightly blowing and leaves are turned and swirling around.  A candle is lit and instrumental piano music playing is in the background.  The family is playing board games and enjoying any fall-ish recipe: Spiced Chai, Caramel Corn, Pumpkin Squares. Bliss!)

Entry 2
Share the link for this giveaway on Facebook.
Leave a separate comment (at the end of the post) telling me so. (Another entry)

Entry 3
Blog about this on your own site.
Leave the web addy in a separate comment (at the end of this post).
(Another entry)

Please be sure you leave something that distinguishes you from other comments like "Carmen from northern Indiana".
**All entries need to be a separate comment for drawing purposes.  I count up the total number of comments and then enter it into random.org.  Random.org picks a number then I count down to that number in the comment section.  If all entries are left in one comment unfortunately you will only get one entry.**

One blessed reader will win a copy of The Harvest Table!

** Giveaway starts now and ends Sunday, June 10th at midnight EST **
(winner will be announced on Monday, June 11th)
- - -

Tune in soon for another yummy harvest recipe!


Mandy B said...

Mandy from western PA:

We love to have a fire in the back of our house and roast marshmallows.

Anonymous said...

My favorite activity HAS to be leaf-peeping. That is riding through areas (perhaps the mountains) of changing leaves admiring the different colors. It's a fall MUST.



Anonymous said...

Here in Minnesota Fall has always been my favorite time of the year!
The tree's are just beautiful,orange,red,and brown leaves! I remember as a child we would rake the leaves and have a bon fire and roast hot dogs and marshmallows!
This is the time when the harvesting begins and also my friend and I start canning!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite Activity in fall is remembering all the wonderful times I had growing up and enjoying the fall time. Not only was it a beautiful time to watch all the trees change but it is my birthday time as well! Today, I no longer live in that area but just remember the wonderful and oh so cherished memories of those times. Now, to this day fall is still the best time of the year because of those times. I love to bake fall type recipes as well. Sincerely Donna jazz836@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I love to sit inside and watch rain

Anonymous said...

Shirley from Minnesota: Love Autumn - the colors, the leaves falling, and seeing the looks of joy on our grandson's face when he see the HUGE pumpkin that Papa has grown for him every year!

Sally said...

My favorite fall activity is cleaning up the yard with the family then building a fire where we can sip hot apple cider, roast marshmallows and talk about all the fun we had in the summer before school started again.

lisa from tennessee said...

my favorite fall activity is getting ready for Halloween - and enjoying the crisp brisk weather


Jenn said...

Our families favorite activity is walking through Eckhart Park. Everything is just so pretty there in the fall.

Jennifer From Auburn

Susan said...

Our favorite fall fun is camping in North Georgia mountains and visiting all the apple barns.
Susan from Georgia.

Susan said...

I shared the giveaway on my FB wall. Thanks for another chance to win.
Susan from Georgia

Sue D said...

Favorite Fall activity is taking a walk or ride through our woods to take in the beautiful colors.
Sue D from Ohio

Nancy W said...

Fall in Vermont is the most perfect time of year, crisp nights, sunny days, awesome colors and wonderful hiking.

Nancy W said...

Posted about the giveaway on my Facebook page: On The Home Front!

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Playing Christmas music, drinking cocoa, knitting while hubby reads aloud.

Jennifer said...

My favorite fall activity is watching the leaves change colors and enjoying the cooler weather.

Annie said...

Watching the leaves turn and seeing the beautiful colors!

flowerchild said...

I love fall apple picking and watching the leaves change, such a beautiful and fun time of year

flowerchild said...

shared on facebook

Unknown said...

We love to go out on a crisp fall morning to the pumpkin patch. The day starts our simple but ends with wonderful memories! Hot chocolate or apple cider always ends our day. :)

M.j. said...

Favorite fall thing to do is to take a long drive out to this place where there are huge rock cliffs and caves to go hiking with the family...ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.

M.j. said...

I shared on my fb page as mary fanara coleman....ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.

apple blossom said...

hay rides

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said...

blogged about your giveaway


ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I enjoy going to the high school football games to see my boy playing in the marching band.

Lane Hill House said...

Jumping in the leaves piled up or walking in them and hearing the crunch under my feet. When I was a little girl, my dad would stack up brush and make a bonfire. I would get to ride on the tail of the broken limbs across the yard to his pile. But the very favorite? The potatoes he would place underneath. So, so yummy in their hard shell casing. That was the best with dripping butter!
Kathleen ~*~ Missouri

Lane Hill House said...

Posted a link on my Facebook news page. Yummy Muffins for this morning's breakfast!
Kathleen ~*~ Missouri

Lane Hill House said...


I posted my review on my blogspot and am going to link it to my Facebook page ... right now!

Kathleen ~*~ Missouri

Anonymous said...

watching football

Suburban prep said...

I love tailgaters for the football games.
I love taking a walk and hearing the leaves crunch underfoot.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Abigail Mitchell said...

I love Fall, especially the color of the trees.
I love Cooking.
Abigail from Blanch, N.C.

Julie said...

Julie A
love to go to the apple orchard pick apples etc.

Julie said...


consultpro said...

Raking leaves is one of the best activities of the fall and decorating for Halloween. Followed by apple cider and muffins. This recipe will make a wonderful addition to our activities.
Angie from cozy little Xenia, Ohio

consultpro said...

Raking leaves is one of the best activities of the fall and decorating for Halloween. Followed by apple cider and muffins. This recipe will make a wonderful addition to our activities.
Angie from cozy little Xenia, Ohio
consultpro05 at gmail dot com

Sue said...

Seems strange to think of harvest as I'm just getting my garden going but I love Gooseberry Patch recipe books any time of year!

Shared on my Facebook page. Sorry, I don't have a blog.

Sue in Wpg, Canada

Anonymous said...

Jeanine S.

I love cooking with pumpkin. I just can't get enough and fresh pumpkins are only available in the fall!

Tess Roth said...

My favorite Fall activity is to curl up in a comfy chair with a hot beverage and watch the leaves fall. The more remote the better, but that's harder to accomplish in the city limits of Seattle than I'd like. I'm a sucker for anything with the standard fall seasonings. In fact I think I'll go make myself an iced chai right now. :)

Lynn Moore said...

I love the change in weather in the fall.We live in Delaware,at the beach, where we still have warm days usually until after Thanksgiving. But the nights turn crisp and cool. I love taking walks on the beach in the fall and sitting on the boardwalk watching the waves.

Susan said...

I love to go apple and pumpkin picking with my whole family. Just the smells of the apples, fresh baked goods, kettle popcorn and freshed pressed cider!!!!!!! Enjoy life!!!!

Anonymous said...

April from RI

Love baking apple pies with apples straight from the farm! Yumm!! A :)

Anonymous said...

Love to take advantage of the cooler weather to decorate the house and switch the menu to include soups, stews, and more baked goods.
Sue in AZ

Anonymous said...

Kelly Bouhill on FB:

My favorite fall time activity is making harvest time foods like pumpkin muffins & pumpkin pies, and burning those kinds of yummy smelling candles too. Such a wonderful time it is!

I also shared this contest on my Facebook page.

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about Fall is watching how Mother Nature puts her wild children of Summer to bed. Also I enjoy going from the light picnic food of summer to the warm, rustic food of fall/winter.

Shelby K said...

I love to cook during the fall! The colder weather gets me in the mood for soups, hot drinks, comfort food, etc! My absolute favorite time of year!!!

Sandy the cookbook collector said...

I truly love fall. Fall is my most favorite time of year. All the beautiful colors, the cool breeze, the decorations, like pumpkins, floral arrangements, small fires at night time to cozy up to with your family. Fall is the best time of year to start cooking again, you know using your stove and ovens. Believe me I hate having the oven on in the summer. Gooseberry is my favorite cookbook collection. I love their recipes from start to finish. Thank you Gooseberry for all you have published.

sue g said...

I love fall- picking melrose apples and making caramel ones!
Sue G.

sue g said...

I pick apples every fall and make caramel apples out of them yum!
sue gibson

Rachel said...

Rachel from Michigan:
My favorite fall activity is going the apple orchard, seconded by baking desserts with the fall fruits!

Rachel said...

I posted on facebook. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Donna from TN. I love everything about fall. One of the things I love best is riding around looking at all the beautiful color show the trees are putting on. I shared on FB and I am also now following you on Pinterest...THANKS

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