December 13, 2011

Kitchen Tip Tuesday: On Hand Munchies

I have come to learn what is expected of my kitchen this time of year...
Munchies.  On hand.  All the time.
Here are my go-to's.

Block cheese cut up and in a container in the fridge.  Some of our favorites are havarti, colby-jack, pepper jack, and cheddar.

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Crackers to pair with the cheese. We love the Keebler Club crackers and Triscuit Cracked Pepper and Olive Oil! I start stocking up on those earlier in the month knowing that they will be devoured along with that cheese!

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Summer sausage...once in a while that's a requirement to go with the cheese and crackers.

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Cookie dough.  Lots of it!  I'll make large batches of cookie dough and put them in reusable ice cream buckets and keep them in the freezer.  When we want a dozen (or four) we'll take out our bucket and bake away.  Our favorites are Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookie, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie, and Sugar Cookie.

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Popcorn!  Whether you like to microwave it, pop it over the stove or in an air popper you can't have Charlie Brown Christmas special or any other Christmas show without popcorn!  Oh and peanuts or cashews to go along with it and a few cookies!  (Oh I am making myself hungry!)

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Fun beverages are a must during the holidays.  Hot cocoa packets are nice to keep in a basket on the counter.  I have Spiced Chai on hand year round, but this time of year it's a must! Add a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon for an extra special treat!  Spiced Cider is fun, too, for an extra special treat!

What are some of your favorite go-to munchies during the holiday season?

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