March 1, 2011

Kitchen Tip Tuesday: Kitchen Helpers

Let the kiddos help out in the kitchen!* 

Little ones (ages 2-5) can scrub veggies, pass out napkins, help set the table.  

Older kiddos (ages 6-9) can help measure, shred (carefully!), stir, crack eggs, and oversee the littlest ones in their preparations.  

The oldest ones (ages 10 and up) can chop, read a recipe, prepare a dish by themselves, help with meal planning and even help with grocery shopping.  Help the older ones see the importance of unit pricing, buying in bulk, shopping sales and using coupons.  

It may be difficult and even stressful at first but after a while it will be such a blessing!  Meals and memories will be made.

The kitchen is the heart of the home!

*These are all guidelines and should be to the parent's discretion.

1 comment:

Cary Ann said...

So true! My kiddies age from 3-8 and are excellent kitchen helpers. And they love (and at times beg)to help work in there with the cleaning and cooking. Hope you have a great day.

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