Hey all! Wow fall has snuck up on us, hasn't it!?! We've had our share of illnesses and we've also been crazy busy but we've also had a lot of fun so far this fall. I'll post on the fun stuff soon...fall fair and animal judging/auction...fall fair up in Michigan, and lots of fall decorating has gone on! Fall is my favorite season! Not only is my birthday in the fall, but I love the sights and the smells of fall! The beautiful falling leaves, the pumpkins, the spice candles, the creamy spiced chai...
The folks at Gooseberry Patch have invited me to join the giveaways for their Hometown Harvest Cookbook
Before we get down to the goods of the giveaway I'll share a recipe with ya'll! Actually my girls are quite the cooks and bakers lately! My oldest is 14 1/2 and part of her homeschool curriculum is "Home Ec" which entails menu planning, recipe finding, and cooking/baking quite a few goodies! If you've seen my Pinterest boards lately you've seen a lot of yummy recipes that she's found! My second oldest daughter is 13 and loves to whip up some yummies in the kitchen! Tonight she made a double batch of the Hashbrown Skillet Omelet (page 20 in the cookbook). It was pretty tasty!
Hashbrown Skillet Omelet
2 T. oil (we used coconut oil)
3 c. frozen shredded hashbrowns
1/2 lb. bacon, crisply cooked and crumbled
1-1/2 c. shredded Cheddar or Cheddar Jack cheese, divided (we used cheddar...yummy!)
6 eggs, beaten
1/4 c. water
1 T. fresh parsley, chopped ( we used 1 t. dry parsley)
1/2 t. paprika
Garnish: hot pepper sauce, catsup (we skipped the garnishing)
Heat oil in a cast-iron (we used our oven-safe skillet) over medium heat. Add frozen hashbrowns; cook for about 10 minutes without turning, until golden. Turn carefully; cook other side until golden. Remove skillet from heat. Sprinkle hashbrowns with bacon and one cup shredded cheese. Beat eggs and water; pour over cheese. Sprinkle with parsley and paprika. Transfer skillet to oven. Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees for about 20 to 25 minutes, until eggs are set in the center. Remove from oven; sprinkle with remaining cheese and let stand for 5 minutes. Cut into wedges; garnish as desired. Serves 6.
Now for the giveaway...
♥ ♥ ♥
One winner will win a copy of Gooseberry Patch's
Giveaway starts now and ends midnight Tuesday, October 8th (my birthday!) at midnight!
I'll announce the winner Thursday, October 10th!
1 Entry - Leave me a comment in comments of the blog...
tell me your favorite thing about fall
(if you don't like fall then share your favorite season and the thing you like most about it)
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♥ ♥ ♥
A new Fall pretty in the shop!
**This post contains affiliate links. I'd appreciate it if you'd purchase from my Amazon store. Thanks so much!
I love the fall colors and the weather cooling off (littlesillysally at gmail dot com)
Fall is my favorite time of year. I like the cooler temperatures and the changing colors of the leaves.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
I love Fall because it is Mother Natures way of letting us know it is time to take a few minutes to enjoy what we have been given. The changing of the color of leafs, the crisp Fall air, being able to cuddle up in a nice soft sweater but most of all the taste of warmed apple cider are a few of my favorite reasons why I love Fall. robeader53@yahoo.com
I love your page on facebook. robeader53@yahoo.com
I've also shared your posting on facebook. Thanks for the chance to win. robeader53@yahoo.com
I love everything about fall..The scents..colors..scents and especially pumpkins. Warm Blessings! Amy
I love the changing colors and pumpkins
I love the changing colors of the leaves and going apple picking. Jburkett31. At hotmail dot com
I have several favorite things about fall. The first is the beautiful colors and smells of the outdoors. The second is the great cooking with my harvested produce. So many things to make and enjoy and fall makes it all taste even better. I am always looking for new recipes.
We enjoy fall the most. The trees put on their fashion colors, it gets cooler so the AC isn't running, and no more cutting the grass.
I love everything about fall. Being outdoors with my family, hayrides, bonfires and pumpkins.
mdgoose forgot to leave the email address. It's:dgosey@verizon.net
We still like fall the best though.
I love the crisp, cool mornings.
I liked on FB, too.
I love fall because of the beautiful colors of the fall leaves...the vibrant sunsets...the bountiful harvest...how God tells the plants it's time to sleep for a while...joanneengland50@hotmail.com
I love Fall for several reasons: the beautiful colors, the wonderful recipes, FOOTBALL, pumpkins, pumpkin recipes, and oh, did I mention FOOTBALL!
Khristy Boring
That we aren't having 100 degree day and that time with the family sharing great food is just a round the corner at Thanksgiving..I can smell it now..
I LOVE falls olors- picking apples and drinking hot cider!! yum!!
i like you guts on facebook :)
oops i mean u guys!!! lol sorry
I love the changing colors of the leaves in fall! dandydew at gmail dot com
I like you on Facebook. dandydew at gmail dot com
I pinned this post: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/129619295498974743/
dandydew at gmail dot com
The beginning of fall reminds me that the holidays are right around the corner!
I like your facebook page!
I love the colors of fall and all of the seasonal dishes. Vicky Ferriell VFerrll@aol.com. The hasbrown omelet loos so delicious! I will make it.
I love the fall colors (renate at rwitt9@yahoo.com)
liked you on facebook (renate at rwitt9@yahoo.com)
I used to hate fall, but as I've gotten older I love it. I think it's become my favorite season. Plus, my birthday is also in October! I love the smells, the feel of the outdoors, snuggling under a quilt, building the first fire in the fireplace, & the colors!
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I like fall because it is finally cooling down. Plus it is leading into all the Holidays that I love!
I liked you on FB :D
Fall is my favorite time of year. Everything cools off, leaves change colors and I get to start baking and cooking more soups, casseroles and chili! What's not to love!
When I lived in the Midwest, I loved the change of season and all the colors. In Florida, I like when it finally starts to cool off and we see the end of hurricane season.
I love the color and the temperatures, the night skies, the frost in the morning. It's a beautiful time of year, as well as the other three :)
Cindy, thedelong5@juno.com
I live in a farming community and I love the smells of farmers harvesting crops. I like the cooler weather and the bright color of the changing leaves. lclee59@centurylink.net
I liked your page on facebook (Connie Bolick Lee) lclee59@centurylink.net
I shared the post on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/#!/connie.b.lee/posts/610645075640504
I shared the giveaway on twitter https://twitter.com/ConnieBolickLee/status/385837296924102656 lclee59@centurylink.net
My favorite thing about fall is thinking about life slowing down from summer outside work and gardning. sunrigs@yahoo.com
Spring is my favorite season; but the flavors (canning, pumpkin, turkey dinner, etc) of fall are my favorite thing about it.
WyoDi quiltntherapy at yahoo . com
I just love the cooler weather, the smells, the colors, the leaves, smores and fires at night...ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.
I follow you on fb too....ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.
I shared on fb here.....https://www.facebook.com/mary.fanaracoleman/posts/10202073033932497...ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.
I pinned it here.....http://www.pinterest.com/pin/150518812519430280/....ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.
I tweeted it here....https://twitter.com/ciaomjc/status/385906798403649536...ciao4now64 at yahoo dot com.
What I love most about fall are pumpkins! I go crazy making pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin smoothies, pumpkin soup, pumpkin cake pops, and whatever else I can find using pumpkin!
This looks like a fun blog to follow. I love the recipes.
Great blog! I love the recipes and your signs are very nice. And I just saw that your a Fort Wayne girl...I just live aross the line in Ohio.
I love everything about fall! For us it is a busy time bringing in the harvest from off the farm. Everyone working hard together and enjoying each others company.
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I love all the beautiful fall colors and the cooler temps! Of course, who doesn't enjoy baking and the smell of a cozy fire?
Thanks for this wonderful give away!
My favorite thing about fall is being able to bake and cook again! (We have no air conditioning in the kitchen!)
I 'like' you on Facebook!
I pinned your post http://www.pinterest.com/pin/262053272041251080/
I love fall because it has all of my favorite colors!
And I do like you on facebook!
I shared on facebook too!
I love the colors of the fall, apples and sweaters!
Summer is my favorite time of year because I can get out and enjoy my yard and garden. My next favorite is fall because of the beautiful trees and I enjoy cooking/baking on a crisp day. It's also still usually warm enough for just a sweatshirt and jeans for a while before winter starts to take over. hunnies04@frontier.com
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I like Fall because of the changing colors of the leaves. I enjoy getting in the car and driving by the river to see all the beautiful colors.
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I liked your Facebook page. :)
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Hi, I love cool nights, warmish days, and fall colors!
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I shared you on fb!
I love fall. I believe it is the best because of the changing colors of the leaves. No other season can give us the beauty that fall does!
I love fall my fav season. Love stews soups and pumpkin everything. Warmer clothes cooler weather.
I love fall because it is the time to make all the delicious soups with a lot of the fall vegetables. I love the cooler weather and really enjoy sitting outside with a warm drink in my hands looking at he "changing of the guards".
I forgot to leave my name and email address from above post. Kimberly Moore kmoore310@comcast.met
I love the changing colors and smells of all the baking of fall.
HI, This is my first visit to your blog and I love fall! The leaves, the smells of pumpkin and baking and spices and getting cozy under a quilt with a good book.My name is Kathy Colby, snowbirdkc54@gmail.com
I also posted on facebook but I don't know how to do links. Thanks for an opportunity to win a Gooseberry Patch cookbook!
I would love to have the book . Love the cooler weather to warm my kitchen up and the hearts of my family with great food. Linda Brittin
. lbrittin1@comcast.net
I love fall cooking. The savory recipes. Eating and drinking hot chocolate and apple cide by the fire. Decorating the house. I just lover everything g about fall.
I love it because my wedding anniversary usually ( falls ) on the 1st day of Fall! Lol I also love the cooler weather and it starts the baking season. Paula Rosse; paularosse@yahoo. Com
So sor ry I forgot to give you my email. bobndiane2@gmail.com Thank you!
I like the fall with its bright colors, crisp mornings and all the activities. Apple and pumpkin picking. Drinking cold fresh pressed apple cider. The anticipation of the Holidays !!
George Eskholme
I love cozy fires and hot cider! I never used t enjoy fall, reminded me of school starting and shortter days but I've grown to appreciate its beauty and get excited about pumpkin or butternut squash soup and cooler weather. Thanks for the chance to win, and Happy Birthday by the way! Maryleigh7 at aol dot com.
Oh and I follow you on Facebook! Maryleigh7 at (aol) dot com
Love the fall season for the cool temps and fall colors. Love Gooseberry cookbooks! (Dixie...dlqpunkin@yahoo.com)
For as long as I can remember Fall has always been my favorite time of year. When I was young it was the season we spent a lot of time at my great-grandparents farm. The leaves falling, going out to the hen house to get eggs each morning and soaking in a tub sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor in the evening. I adored my great-grandparents and still sense the smells and feelings that I also had when I was there. Fall always meant hunting season and even though I gave that up many, many moons ago - I still feel the excitement and the thrill of the season. Thank you for letting me share some memories <3
My favorite thing about Fall is the changing leaves.
I like oldhousehomestead on Facebook.
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This would be great to have my own copy of this cookbook
I pinned this on Pinterest.
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I love the fall colors and cooler weather! :)
I love the cool crisp air and the colorful leaves? This is my most favorite season of them all.
I just love Fall. It is my favorite season, the colors, the cooler weather, even the smells.
Margaret Chesney -- margaretches@yahoo.com
I love your receipes! I would love to win this cookbook!! Carolyn G.
I liked you on facebook.
I love the fall colors and the cool weather makes cooking more fun
I love the colors of fall. geahlenjennifer@yahoo.com
Liked on face book.
I love Autumn.I look forward to it every year.It puts me into nesting mode.I love to cook hearty meals and bake wonderful sweet fall goodies.It is so comforting to me
I love fall because it will bring our first break from the summer weather in Florida. Our summer weather is usually 90 high for days and 79 low nights and we are hoping by the time Oct. hits to have our lows in the 60's and our highs in the low 80's. And we can cook some good food once it is cool so I hope I win the cookbook!
I love Autumn because of the deep beautiful colors of leaves on the trees and the crisp mornings, warm days and cool nights!
I liked your page on Facebook!
Of course I love the colors of fall, but also I love that when the cool temps arrive, I can really start some baking! Pumpkin bread, apple bread etc!
Sharry M. shysaver2@yahoo.com
I am a fan on Facebook.
Sharry M. shysaver2@yahoo.com
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